Project Description
NEU Calendar
NEU Calendar
Fall Semester
September 2-6, 2019; Monday-Friday | Courses to be assigned to the Academic Staff |
September 8, 2019; Sunday | Last Day for the 1st Payment of the Fees (Full Payments and 1st Instalment) |
September 09, 2019; Monday | Faculty of Medicine- Classes Commence for Years 2, 3, 4 and 5 |
September 09-13, 2019; Monday-Friday | Activation of the Courses by Academic Staff |
September 13, 2019; Friday | English, Arabic and Turkish Proficiency Exams for Undergraduate Students |
September 16-20, 2019; Monday-Friday | Course Registration |
September 23, 2019; Monday | Classes Commence (including the English Preparatory School) |
September 30, 2019; Monday | Faculty of Medicine- Classes Commence for Year 1 |
October 8, 2019; Tuesday | Last Day for the Payment of the 2nd Instalment of the Fees (for 8 Instalments) |
October 09, 2019; Wednesday | Last Day for Changing the “I” (Incomplete) Grades for the Previous Term |
October 11, 2019; Friday | Last Day for Add/Drop |
October 25,2019; Friday | Last Day for Late Registration |
October 29, 2019; Tuesday | Public Holiday |
November 01, 2019; Friday | Last Day for Add/Drop for New InternationalStudents |
November 4, 2019; Monday | English Language Proficiency Exam for Postgraduate Students |
November 8, 2019; Friday | Last Day for the Payment of the 3rd Instalment of the Fees (for 8 Instalments) |
November 09, 2019; Saturday | Public Holiday |
November 15, 2019; Friday | Public Holiday |
November 18-23,2019; Monday-Saturday | Midterm Exams (including English Preparatory School) |
December 02, 2019; Monday | Identification of Courses for the Following Academic Term and Commencement of the Work on the Timetable |
December 8, 2019; Sunday | Last Day for the Payment of the 4th Instalment of the Fees (for 8 Instalments) |
December 17, 2019; Tuesday | English Language Proficiency Exam for Postgraduate Students |
December 20, 2019; Friday | Last Day for Withdrawal |
December 25, 2019; Wednesday | Administrative Holiday for Students |
December 27, 2019; Friday | Last Day for Submission of NA Grades |
January 01, 2020; Wednesday | Public Holiday |
January 3, 2020; Friday | Last Day of Classes |
January 06- 15, 2020; Monday-Wednesday | Final Exams (including the English Preparatory School) |
January 8, 2020; Wednesday | Last Day for the Payment of the 2nd Instalment of the Fees (for 2 Instalments) |
January 8, 2020; Wednesday | Last Day for the Payment of the 5th Instalment of the Fees (for 8 Instalments) |
January 17, 2020; Friday | Last Day for Submission of Letter Grades |
January 20, 2020; Monday | Applications for Re-sit Exams |
January 21-23, 2020; Tuesday -Thursday | Re-sit Exams (including the English Preparatory School) |
January 24, 2020; Friday | End of the Term (Last Day for the Submission of the Results of the Re-sit Exams) |
January 27-29, 2020; Monday-Wednesday | Graduation Ceremonies |
Spring Semester
February 10-13, 2020; Monday-Thursday | Courses to be assigned to the Academic Staff |
February 10-13, 2020; Monday-Thursday | Activation of the Courses by Academic Staff |
February 13-14, 2020; Thursday-Friday | Course Registration |
February 14, 2020; Friday | English, Arabic and Turkish Proficiency Exams for Undergraduate Students |
February, 08, 2020; Saturday | Last Day for the Payment of the 6th Instalment of the Fees (for 8 Instalments) |
February 17, 2020; Monday | Classes Commence (including the English Preparatory School) |
March 05, 2020; Thursday | Last Day for Changing the “I” (Incomplete) Grades for the Previous Term |
March 06, 2020; Friday | Last Day for Add/Drop |
March 08, 2020; Sunday | Last Day for the Payment of the 7th Instalment of the Fees (for 8 Instalments) |
March 09, 2020; Monday | English Language Proficiency Exam for Postgraduate Students |
March 13, 2020; Friday | Last Day for Late Registration |
April 06, 2020; Monday | Last Day for Add/Drop for New International Students |
April 08, 2020; Wednesday | Last Day for the Payment of the 8th Instalment of the Fees (for 8 Instalments) |
April 13-18, 2020; Monday-Saturday | Midterm Exams (including the English Preparatory School) |
April 23, 2020; Thursday | Public Holiday |
May 01, 2020; Friday | Public Holiday |
May 15, 2020; Friday | Last Day for Withdrawal |
May 15, 2020; Friday | Identification of Courses for the Following Academic Term and Commencement of Work on the Timetable |
May 19, 2020; Tuesday | Public Holiday |
May 21, 2020; Thursday | English Language Proficiency Exam forPostgraduate Students |
May 22, 2020; Friday | Last Day for Submission of NA Grades |
May 23-26, 2020; Saturday – Tuesday | Public Holiday |
May 29, 2020; Friday | Last Day of Classes (including the EnglishPreparatory School) |
June 01- June 10, 2020; Monday – Wednesday | Final Exams (including the English Preparatory School) |
June 12, 2020; Friday | Last Day for Submission of Letter Grades |
June 12, 2020; Friday | Last Day for Applications for the Summer School |
June 15, 2020; Monday | Applications for Re-sit Exams |
June 16-20, 2020; Tuesday – Saturday | Re-sit Exams (including the English Preparatory School) |
June 22, 2020; Monday | End of Term (Last Day for Submission of Re-sit Exam Results) |
June 22-26, 2020; Monday-Friday | Graduation Ceremonies |
Summer Semester
June 22-24, 2020; Monday-Wednesday | Courses to be assigned to the Academic Staff |
June 22-24, 2020; Friday-Wednesday | Activation of the Courses by Academic Staff |
June 26, 2020; Friday | English Language Proficiency Exam for Undergraduate Students |
June 24-26, 2020; Wednesday-Friday | Course Registration |
June 29, 2020; Monday | Classes Commence (including the EnglishPreparatory School) |
July 20, 2020; Monday | Public Holiday |
July 31- August 03, 2020; Friday-Monday | Public Holiday |
August 01, 2020; Saturday | Public Holiday |
August 04, 2020 Tuesday | Last Day of Classes (including the English Preparatory School) |
August 05-08, 2020; Wednesday- Saturday | Final Exams (including the English Preparatory School) |
August 11, 2020; Tuesday | Last Day for Submission of Letter Grades |
August 12, 2020; Wednesday | End of Term |